Council Meetings

Town of La Ronge Council Meeting Dates for 2025

All Regular meetings are open to the public for viewing and are held on the following dates at the Town Office in the Council Chambers at 1212 Hildebrand Avenue.  Meetings start at 7:00 pm sharp.

Regular Council Meeting
December 20249th & 17th (Special Meeting)
January13th & 27th 
February10th & 24th
March10th & 24th 
April14th & 28th
May12th & 26th
June9th & 23rd
September8th & 22nd
October14th* & 27th
November10th & 24th

All submissions/delegations to Council must be received no later than 12:00pm the Thursday before the meeting.

Speaking before Council 

Individuals or groups wishing to make a delegation directly to Council should contact the Town office in writing as well as verbally no later than 12:00 pm the Thursday prior to Council's regular meeting date to be included in the meeting agenda.  ALL DELEGATIONS MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM WITH YOUR REQUEST. Delegations may be submitted HERE.

“Delegation” is the term used to define the process whereby an individual or group appears before Council in order to make a presentation, enter a request for action, update Council on activities, or to provide further information on an issue currently before Council for a decision.  The process is governed by the rules set out in the Council Procedure Bylaw.  The bylaw states that the CAO may refuse to place a delegation on the agenda if the issue is not considered to fall within the jurisdiction of Council or if the delegation has already addressed Council on the same topic in the past 12 months.  Further, Council must not permit a delegation to address a meeting of the Council regarding a bylaw in respect to which a public hearing has been held, or where the public hearing is required under an enactment as a prerequisite to the adoption of the bylaw.