Frequently Asked Questions

Do I require a business license?

If you carry out business within the Town of La Ronge boundaries, you are required to have a valid business license. Any trade, profession, occupation, employment or calling that, while operating within the Town of La Ronge provides one or both of: goods or services within the Town of La Ronge require a license. For more information, please see our Business Bylaw #305/92.

Do businesses based outside of the Town of La Ronge need a license?

Any business operating in the Town of La Ronge that falls within the license categories require a license, whether resident or not. Non-resident companies pay the same fees as resident firms.

Why should my business get a license?

It is a requirement of the Business Bylaw #305/92. Any businesses operating without a license may be subjected to penalties and fines.

What are the requirements for a home-based business?

Please see Section 4.15 of the Zoning Bylaw #572/16.

What are some of the reasons that my application for a business license may be denied?

A Town of La Ronge Business License application may be denied for one of many reasons, including which the business does not comply with the Town of La Ronge’s Bylaws regarding building, zoning, health inspection, fire code, and/or business.  

What are the fees for a business license?

The annual business license fee is $100.00, annually unless the business is currently paying commercial taxes. For further information, please see Schedule A of the Business Bylaw #305/92.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payments can be made in person via. cash, cheque or debit.

What is the process after the business license application is submitted and how long will it take to get my business license?

The waiting period is dependent on the type of business license application. For example, a home-based business may take up to 8 weeks for approval. The reason for this is the waiting for Council meetings and/or advertising time for the Discretionary Use process for home-based businesses. A in-town or out-of town business license application can be processed fairly quickly.

Will I require any inspections?

If the business involves preparing or serving food, or performing esthetics (nails, waxing, hair, salons, etc.) then proof an inspection from Population Health is required.

How long is an issued license valid?

A business license is issued for a calendar year, from January 1st to December 31st. For transient/temporary licenses, refer to Section 11 of Bylaw 305/92.

How do I renew my business license?

You will be sent a renewal notice in December, prior to license expiry to renew your business license. You may also complete the Renewal Form. and return it to the Town Office along with the annual business license fee.

When can the business start operating? Can I operate my business before I actually receive my license?

Once a business license is issued, a business can start operating. You should take steps to ensure the license is in place before operating your business.

What if my business information changes?

It is the responsibility of the business owner to notify the Town of La Ronge if there is a change of: 

  • address
  • owner
  • business name
  • business category

A Business License Renewal Form must be completed noting these changes. This form can be accessed at the Town Office or by clicking here.

My business has ceased operation. Do I need to notify the Town of La Ronge?

You must inform the Town of La Ronge in writing by mail, fax or e-mail, to advise that you are no longer operating; otherwise you will continue to receive renewal notices and further penalties may be applied.  

Can I have a sign for my business and do I need a permit?

Please see Section 4.33 of the Zoning Bylaw #572/16.

What happens if I do not comply with the Town of La Ronge Business Bylaw?

Any person who contravenes a provision of the Bylaw is guilty of and offense and is liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not more than:

  1. $2,000 in the case of an individual; and
  2. $5,000 in the case of a corporation

Where can I find available real-estate for my business?

You may contact any of the real-estate agents in town who may know of commercial properties available for purchase or lease. 

EXP Realty Tracy Fiske
(306) 425-7886
PO Box 373 Air Ronge, SK. S0J  3G0

Re-Max La Ronge Properties Karla Hardcastle or Tia Watt
(306) 425-8602 (Karla) or (306) 425-0787 (Tia)