To pay utilities, taxes, invoices, dog licenses, or anything else you need to pay to the Town of La Ronge:
We offer online banking if you bank with our local financial institutions: CIBC or Conexus Credit Union
FOR CIBC: When searching payee, type in "La Ronge Town Utility" OR "La Ronge Utility Town of" then enter your account number. Note that your account number may look like this: "0000600 0001" however, only the "600" is your actual account number. CIBC requires nine digits so you will enter your account number with the appropriate amount of zero's in front of the number. Example: 000000600.
FOR CONEXUS: When searching payee, type in La Ronge Utility and select the payee, then enter your account number, which would be "600" referring to the example above.
If neither of these options work, you can schedule an appointment with your financial institution who can either help you set up online banking, or make a payment.
We accept email money transfers. Please use the following email: ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE IN THE MESSAGE WHAT YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND WHO IT IS FOR.
We offer automatic withdrawal from any banking institution. The application form can be e-mailed to you or found HERE.
A dropbox is located at the main entrance of the Town Office, located at 1212 Hildebrand Drive, for after-hour payments. The drobox is available 24 hours a day for your convenience and receipts will be mailed to you. The box is secured and checked daily. Payment methods accepted: cheques (made out to the Town of La Ronge) PLEASE DO NOT DEPOSIT CASH.
The Town accepts credit cards at the Town Office. There is a 2.5% service charge applied to Visa, Mastercard and American Express transactions.
We do not accept third party cheques.
If you need assistance with any of these options, please phone our office at (306) 425-2234 and we will gladly assist you with this.