
Northern Apprenticeship Committee

The Northern Apprenticeship Committee is working with you to provide greater opportunities for people in northern Saskatchewan in trades employment and apprenticeship training. Visit their website at

Gordon Denny Community School, Air Ronge

Located at 127 Cessna Street East in Air Ronge, Gordon Denny Community School has a student population of approximately 250 students from prekindergarten to grade six. It is a part of Northern Lights School Division #113 (NLSD #113). NLSD #113 is a provincial school system serving a predominantly Aboriginal school population located throughout the northern geographical half of Saskatchewan. Visit their website at

Bell's Point Elementary School, LLRIB

Located south of Air Ronge on Bell's Point Road, Bell's Point Elementary School (BPES) is part of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band . It opened August 2002 and is a kindergarten to grade 4 school. Visit their website at

Northlands College, La Ronge.

Northlands College provides a full range of programs and services for adult learners throughout the northern half of the province. The College is governed by an 9 member Board of Directors representative of Northern Saskatchewan. Visit their website at

Senator Myles Venne School, LLRIB

Located south of Air Ronge on Queen Street, Senator Myles Venne School (SMVS) is part of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band . It is a grade five through twelve school. Visit their website at

Pre Cam Community School, La Ronge.

Located at 600 Boardman Street in La Ronge, PreCam Community School has a student population of approximately 450 students from prekindergarten to grade six. It is a dual track school, providing an English program and a French Immersion program. It is a part of Northern Lights School Division #113 (NLSD #113). NLSD #113 is a provincial school system serving a predominantly Aboriginal school population located throughout the northern geographical half of Saskatchewan. Visit their website at

Churchill Community High School, La Ronge

Located at 1201 School Avenue in La Ronge, Churchill Community High School has a student population of approximately 450 students from grade seven to grade twelve. It is part of the Northern Lights School Division (NLSD #113). NLSD #113 is a provincial school system serving a predominantly Aboriginal school population located throughout the northern geographical half of Saskatchewan. Visit their website at

Northern Lights School Division #113

Visit their website at